"Whoever Allaah wants good for He gives him understanding of the religion."
(Agreed Upon)The Shaykh (may Allaah have mercy upon him) stated:
"This Hadeeth is from the greatest of the virtues of knowledge. Also, in this narration (is the point) that the beneficial knowledge is a sign of happiness for the servant and Allaah wanting for him/her good. Having understanding in the religion entails having understanding of the foundations of faith. It entails having understanding of the legislations of Al-Islaam and the rulings. It entails having understanding of the realities of Al-Ihsaan. Indeed, the religion entails all of these three affairs, as has come in the Hadeeth of Jibreel when He asked the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) about Al-Eemaan, Al-Islaam, and Al-Ihsaan. The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) answered Him with it limits. He explained Al-Eemaan with its six foundations. He explained Al-Islaamwith its five pillars. He explained Al-Ihsaan, that it is "That you worship Allaah as if you see Him. Although you do not see Him, He sees you". Also, that which enters into that is having understanding of the affairs of creed and knowing the methodology of the Salaf regarding that. It entails the implementation of it outwardly and inwardly. It entails knowing the methodologies of those in opposition. It entails the clarifying of that which it has of being in opposition to the Kitaab and the Sunnah. Also, that which enters into that: The knowledge of jurisprudence, it's foundations and branches as well as the rules of worship, dealings, and matters connected to the prescribed punishments for crimes. Also, which enters into that is learning all of the different means that will aid one upon attaining the understanding of the religion, like the the sciences of the Arabic language with its different categories. Therefore, whoever Allaah wants good for He gives him understanding of these affairs and success to attain them. Also, the understanding of this narration indicates that whoever turns away from these affairs, in its totality, then indeed Allaah didn't want good for him. That is due to him being deprived of the means by which the affairs of good can be attained by them as well as the happiness to be earned by them."
Source: Bahjatu Quloob Al-Abraar, explanation of Hadeeth # 11
Sisters Upon Al-Istiqaamah
"This Hadeeth is from the greatest of the virtues of knowledge. Also, in this narration (is the point) that the beneficial knowledge is a sign of happiness for the servant and Allaah wanting for him/her good. Having understanding in the religion entails having understanding of the foundations of faith. It entails having understanding of the legislations of Al-Islaam and the rulings. It entails having understanding of the realities of Al-Ihsaan. Indeed, the religion entails all of these three affairs, as has come in the Hadeeth of Jibreel when He asked the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) about Al-Eemaan, Al-Islaam, and Al-Ihsaan. The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) answered Him with it limits. He explained Al-Eemaan with its six foundations. He explained Al-Islaamwith its five pillars. He explained Al-Ihsaan, that it is "That you worship Allaah as if you see Him. Although you do not see Him, He sees you". Also, that which enters into that is having understanding of the affairs of creed and knowing the methodology of the Salaf regarding that. It entails the implementation of it outwardly and inwardly. It entails knowing the methodologies of those in opposition. It entails the clarifying of that which it has of being in opposition to the Kitaab and the Sunnah. Also, that which enters into that: The knowledge of jurisprudence, it's foundations and branches as well as the rules of worship, dealings, and matters connected to the prescribed punishments for crimes. Also, which enters into that is learning all of the different means that will aid one upon attaining the understanding of the religion, like the the sciences of the Arabic language with its different categories. Therefore, whoever Allaah wants good for He gives him understanding of these affairs and success to attain them. Also, the understanding of this narration indicates that whoever turns away from these affairs, in its totality, then indeed Allaah didn't want good for him. That is due to him being deprived of the means by which the affairs of good can be attained by them as well as the happiness to be earned by them."
Source: Bahjatu Quloob Al-Abraar, explanation of Hadeeth # 11
Sisters Upon Al-Istiqaamah