Sunday, May 1, 2011

Should the Husband Give the Wife a Monthly Allowance?

Should the Husband Give the Wife a Monthly Allowance?
Q. Is it obligatory upon the husband to give the wife a monthly allowance if his wife lives with him and he fulfills that which she's in need of legislatively, from food, drink, clothing and other than that?
A. "It is not obligatory upon the husband to give his wife a monthly allowance as long as he is legilatively fulfilling the required matters, from food, drink, clothing and other than it. Allaah is the One who gives the success."
Source: Qatful-Azhaar Al-Mutanaathirah min Fataawaa Al-Marah Al-Muslimah" Vol.2/pg. 676 
Permanent Committee of Scholars - Fatwaa  #21239